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Sharing Cowlairs (2022)​


Sharing Cowlairs is an arts, ecology and community project in collaboration

with St. Teresa’s Primary School and local community. It is facilitated by Saffy

Setohy with Margaret Kerr, Glasgow Life artists in residence for Canal ward.

Coming Up:

See the children’s manifesto below:

The school is next to Cowlairs, a large area of land which has lain ‘derelict’ for

30 years. The children pass through the land every day. Heavy flytipping and

other antisocial activity is present. However there are many local people,

including the children, that care about the place, are occupying it in different

ways, and wish to have a say in its future regeneration.

Since November 2021, Saffy and Margaret have been working with the children and parents to explore their right to a ‘Safe, clean route to school’.

We have been facilitating artistic activities that support children’s learning about sustainability, their local environment, and active citizenship. We are also working with the wider community and partner organisations to make a

community labyrinth and garden in the site- a symbol of the potential of

community collaboration and solidarity with the rest of nature.

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Thanks to supporters:


Glasgow Life, St. Teresa’s Primary School, Glasgow City Council, Thriving

Places Possil and Ruchill, Concrete Garden, Lambhill Stables, Canal Youth Forum.

Copyright 2020

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