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Turning (2020)​


Turning is a sound project by Scotland based artists Saffy Setohy and Niroshini Thambar.  It invites us to pause, tune into the moment, and turn our attention towards hopes and imaginings for the future, as the season turns with us.

Turning audio

Please listen on headphones.

TurningArtist Name
00:00 / 21:50

photo credit: Ray Jacobs

People living in St Andrews and Fife were sent a series of guided audio scores. These invited the listener to be with their surroundings in a specific way, to answer a series of questions and go on an imaginative journey. Their voice responses were recorded by the participants themselves, in their homes, offices and even at school. These lo-fi crowd sourced audio files have been gathered and arranged to form a new sound work, alongside field recordings and sound specially composed by Niroshini.


Inspired by meditations, podcasts, audio dance classes and the company of the radio during lockdown, this sound work encourages us to step away from screens and overwhelming visual information, into the twilight. Turning our attention to small details, vast imaginings and the things that connect us, it is intended to be a reflective and hopeful counter to transmissions of fear in our uncertain times.

Turning – an audio work by Saffy Setohy and Niroshini Thambar Transcript (December 2020)

Special thanks to all the participants: 


Gail, Jo, Jane, Mary, Finlay and class p7 of Leuchars Primary School, and to James Rimmer and James Worster for their contributions during the research

Commissioned by The Byre Theatre St Andrews for Winter Solstice 2021

Copyright 2020

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